Top 10 childhood TV series

Ka-Ching! Another blog boomerang from pieces of emotions hit me and I had so much fun completing my Top 10. This time everyone who reads it is asked to list the favorite TV series from their childhood:

1. Dinosaurs
Die Dinos
1991 – 1994

They tackled a remarkable number of educational topics without you even knowing it, like drug abuse, censorship and racism. Although I haven’t seen it for a lot of years, I still recall every single line of every episode. Continue reading


My friend Juli from piecesofemotions nominated me for the Best-Blog-Award, a “blog boomerang” where I get to answer 11 questions she asked, then post my own 11 questions and nominate 11 other blogs to answer them. Sounds like fun!

1. How did your blog get its name?
By me having Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke stuck in my ear and thinking about a suitable name for my blog for a month or so already.

2. Do you wish to someday earn money by blogging – like the people of Serienjunkies (A/N a very popular german blog about TV series)?
Not really. I actually like working visually a lot more.

3. Were you ever close to quit blogging?
Since I started it only a few weeks ago: No.
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